Cadiz Releases statement regarding CA Dept of Fish & Wildlife letter on Cadiz Water Project

December 12, 2018 – Los Angeles – Yesterday, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) released to the media a copy of a letter sent from the California Department of Fish & Wildlife to the Company regarding permitting of the Cadiz Valley Water Conservation, Recovery and Storage Project (Water Project). Scott Slater, Cadiz CEO, gave the following statement regarding […]


The Fenner Valley Water Authority (“FVWA”) today announced the creation of a $5 Million fund, the Southern California Clean Water Fund (“Clean Water Fund” or “SCCWF”), dedicated to aiding small water systems that are pursuing water quality improvements in Southern California. The Clean Water Fund will be underwritten by Cadiz Inc. which is developing the […]


Bill aiming to block the Cadiz Water Project held in committee and will not become law LOS ANGELES, CA –Cadiz Inc. [NASDAQ:CDZI] (“Cadiz”, the “Company”), announced today that on Friday, August 31, 2018, California Senate Bill 120 (Roth, D-Riverside) (“SB 120”) was held in the Senate’s Appropriations Committee by a vote of 7-0 just prior […]

SB 120 Update – Last day of Session

Yesterday, SB 120 was returned to the Senate for consideration following its passage in the Assembly.  The bill was referred to the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee, where it is expected to receive a hearing today. A hearing time has not yet been noticed. The 2018 California legislative session ends today. Opposition to SB 120, […]

SB 120 Update

Yesterday, SB 120 was considered on the floor of the California Assembly and passed by a majority of voting members. Following the Assembly vote, because it is a “gut-and-amend”  of a previously approved Senate bill, SB 120 was returned to the Senate for consideration.  According to legislative procedural rules, we expect the bill to be […]

California Senate Bill 120 Amended to Provide Vehicle for AB 1000

On August 25, 2018, California Senate Bill 120 was amended to eliminate all previous contents, or “gutted”, so that it could serve as a vehicle for the language of Assembly Bill 1000 (Friedman, D-Glendale), the 2017 bill that was designed principally to block the advancement of the Cadiz Water Project. As we reported last year, […]

California Senate Bill 120 Amended to Provide Vehicle for AB 1000

On August 25, 2018, California Senate Bill 120 was amended to eliminate all previous contents, or “gutted”, so that it could serve as a vehicle for the language of Assembly Bill 1000 (Friedman, D-Glendale), the 2017 bill that was designed principally to block the advancement of the Cadiz Water Project. As we reported last year, […]

My turn: Southern California needs this water project

By Winston Hickox and Julian Canete, Special to CALmatters/ source link but I wouldn’t use it: The California Environmental Quality Act requires a stringent evaluation of the implications of major projects and requires that impacts be avoided. It’s a long, complicated process. When a project completes the arduous review, and the inevitable litigation challenging that […]

New San Diego Zoo program to offer threatened California Desert Tortoises a head start Spartacus moves slowly, but with determination. The male California Desert Tortoise is not a big fan of the heat, and if it were up to him Spartacus would probably be hiding from the morning sun a few feet underground in a cool burrow of his own making. A resident of The Living Desert zoo […]

LA Chamber Joins Growing Coalition in Support of Cadiz Water Project

Cadiz Inc. is pleased to announce that the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce has joined the growing coalition of individuals, businesses, chambers, labor and civic organizations in support of the Cadiz Valley Water Conservation, Recovery and Storage Project – a public-private partnership that will add a new reliable water supply in Southern California for […]