CalChamber Magazine: CalChamber Backs Efforts to Diversify California Water Supply Sources
Two approaches to boosting the water available to California recently earned the support of the California Chamber of Commerce. In keeping with CalChamber policy of supporting a comprehensive solution to the state’s chronic water shortage, the CalChamber Water Committee voted to support: a project to intercept and conserve billions of gallons of groundwater beneath the […]
Company Update: Documents Reflect Bias in BLM’s Cadiz Water Project Right-of-Way Determination
As previously reported, in October 2015, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a non-binding guidance letter (October guidance) opining that the Cadiz Water Project’s proposed use of a railroad right-of-way for its water pipeline did not originate from a railroad purpose and would therefore be considered outside the scope of the original railroad […]
Appellate Court Affirms Cadiz Project’s Environmental Approvals
Journal of Water By Dr. Rod Smith June 30, 2016 On May 10, the Fourth Appellate District in California’s Court of Appeal affirmed all six decisions by an Orange County Superior Court validating the environmental approvals for the Cadiz Valley Water Conservation, Recovery & Storage Project. “We are extremely grateful for the Appellate Court opinion […]
Company update: US House of Representatives passes FY2017 House Interior Appropriations Bill
Bill includes Language Addressing Scope of Railroad Right-of-way over federal lands On July 14, 2016, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the fiscal year 2017 Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill (H.R.5538), which includes annual funding for the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, the US Forest Service, and various related agencies, including the […]
Company Update – Congressional Efforts to Clarify the Scope of 1875 Act Railroad Right-of-Ways
For the first time, last week, the United States House Committee on Appropriations has included language in the Interior, Environment & Related Agencies Appropriations Bill that would clarify the scope of railroad rights-of-way. In October 2015, the Director of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) California Office issued a […]
San Bernardino Sun: It’s Time to Build Cadiz Water project | OP-ED, by Mayor Frank Ury
On May 10, a California Court of Appeal upheld an earlier Superior Court dismissal of litigation challenging the Cadiz Water Project. The Cadiz, Inc. plan to conserve water that’s currently evaporating in the Mojave Desert would deliver new water to our communities in south Orange County as well as five other Southern California counties. After […]
LOS ANGELES, CA –Cadiz Inc. [NASDAQ:CDZI] (“Cadiz”, the “Company”), a California land and water resources development company, announced today that Timothy J. Shaheen, the Company’s Chief Financial Officer, will make a presentation at the 17th Annual B. Riley & Co. Investor Conference on Wednesday, May 25th at 3:00pm PT. The conference is being held May 25 & […]
Desert Sun: Feinstein off the mark | Letter to the Editor, by Wes May
Feinstein off the mark Letter to the Editor, Desert Sun In response to Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s comments in Ian James’ recent article: “Plan to pump water from Mojave survives court challenges,” it must be clearly stated, the Cadiz Water Project has not “bypassed” federal environmental review. There is no federal permitting nexus. Co-locating infrastructure in […]
News: California Court of Appeal Upholds Cadiz Water Project Approvals, Media Coverage
California Court Upholds Cadiz Water Project in Mojave Desert California Water News Daily, staff writer The California 4th District Court of Appeal ruled earlier this week in favor of upholding six lower court decisions validating the Cadiz Water Project’s proposal to deliver an average of 50,000 acre feet of conserved, renewable desert groundwater to communities throughout […]
News: California court upholds large urban water transfer
By Elliot Spagat Associated Press SAN DIEGO (AP) — A California appeals court on Tuesday upheld plans for a large transfer of Mojave Desert groundwater to homes and businesses in Southern California. The ruling by a three-judge panel in Santa Ana moves urban districts a step closer to getting up to 75,000 acre feet of […]