News: Public Comment Period Extended for Cadiz Valley Water Project’s Draft Environmental Impact Report
February 10, 2012 Today Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD), the Lead Agency for the proposed Cadiz Valley Water Conservation, Recovery and Storage Project (“Project”), announced that it has extended the public comment period for the Project’s Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) an additional 30 days. The comment period will now conclude on March 14, 2012.
News: Op-Ed – Putting Water to Beneficial Use: A technical response to criticism of the Cadiz Project
By Terry Foreman, PG, C.Hg., and Dennis Williams, Ph.D, PG., C.Hg. January 31, 2012 The innovative Cadiz Valley Water Conservation, Recovery and Storage Project would enable water to be beneficially used in California by capturing water that is currently being lost to evaporation in the Mojave Desert. The Project is currently undergoing a public review […]
News: Op-Ed – (San Bernardino Sun) Sustainable Solutions to California’s Water Problem
For the past several years the state of California has worked to ensure that water supplies are available to meet demand. This effort has been complex and complicated by drought as well as systematic restrictions on all of the state’s primary water supplies. During my time as the secretary of California’s Environmental Protection Agency, I […]
News: Sky’s the Limit reaches for the stars with Out of This World event in Cadiz
Nearly 200 attend fundraiser in Cadiz, raising $4,160 for observatory project By Kelly O’Sullivan, The Desert Trail Published: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Cadiz, CA — Dylan Wood couldn’t wait to see the surface of the sun. The West Hills 4-year-old fidgeted quietly while his brother, Auden, 8, looked through a telescope set up by amateur […]
CBS’ 60 Minutes Program Covers California’s Water Crisis
On Sunday, December 27, 2009, CBS’ “60 Minutes” program aired an in-depth story about the California water crisis, elevating the state’s water problems to the national level. The segment, which included interviews of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as well as water users and providers throughout the state, highlighted the difficulties facing California as it strives to […]
BREAKING NEWS – CA Legislature passes major water bond proposal
The California Legislature has just this morning passed an $11 billion water bond proposal, which includes over a billion dollars for groundwater storage and other infrastructure projects and also mandates a 20% cutback from current water sources. The proposal is part of a broader state water system overhaul that has been pursued by the State […]