News: California Places $7.5 Billion Water Bond on November ’14 Ballot

On August 13, 2014, the California Legislature successfully collaborated with Governor Jerry Brown to place a $7.5 billion water bond on the California ballot for voter approval in November.   The new bond provides funding for various water supply development initiatives and could spur new opportunities and facilitate public investment in regional and local water supply […]

News: Cadiz Inc. Statement Regarding U.S. Department of the Interior Instruction Memorandum Pertaining to Third Party Uses of Railroad Rights-of-Way

Cadiz Project Furthers a Railroad Purpose as Required by new IM Los Angeles — Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a long awaited Instruction Memorandum (IM) to its Field Offices regarding the “Evaluation and Approval of Activities within Railroad Rights-of-Way Granted under the General Railroad Right-of-Way Act of March 3, 1875.”   Pursuant to the IM, […]

News: Cadiz, Inc. Rings The NASDAQ Stock Market Opening Bell

NASDAQ OMX August 11, 2014 Cadiz, Inc. (Nasdaq:CDZI), a California renewable resources company, will visit the NASDAQ MarketSite in Times Square in celebration of its 20th anniversary as a NASDAQ-listed company.Founded in 1983, Cadiz Inc. is a land and water asset development company that owns 70 sq. miles of property and water rights in Southern California. In […]

News: In dry California, water fetching record prices

By GARANCE BURKE, Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Throughout California’s desperately dry Central Valley, those with water to spare are cashing in. As a third parched summer forces farmers to fallow fields and lay off workers, two water districts and a pair of landowners in the heart of the state’s farmland are making millions of dollars […]

News: Cadiz Makes Commitment to Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions for Desert Research

Cadiz Inc. (“Cadiz”, the “Company”) has pledged a gift to Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions (“Nicholas Institute”), a nationally recognized public policy think tank, as part of the Company’s commitments to ensure legacy benefits from the use of its property in California’s eastern Mojave Desert. Based upon a financial pledge by Cadiz and upon […]

News: Controversial Pipeline Project in the Mojave Desert Surges Forward

San Bernardino Sun, Joe Nelson Orange County Superior Court Judge Gail Andler’s ruling Thursday dismissed each of six complaints filed against the Cadiz Valley Water Conservation, Recovery and Storage Project, according to a news release and attached court order. The project would divert surplus groundwater from the Fenner Valley, about 40 miles northeast of […]

Speed of Drought Confounds Water Planners

Agencies Gamble on Need and Price Santa Barbara Independent, By Nick Welsh March 26, 2014 About two weeks ago, three South Coast water agencies — desperate to augment supplies in the face of a withering drought — combined forces to place a bid on surplus State Water from purveyors in Madera County. They offered what they […]

Editorial: State drier than we have to be

Water recovery project could ease drought. ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER March 10, 2014 Despite the recent heavy rain, California’s water situation remains dire. Data from the U.S. Drought Monitor, a partnership between the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, shows that […]

News: Value of Cadiz water project pegged at $6.1bn

After more than a decade of legal challenges and project revisions, Cadiz seems to be within striking distance of getting its water supply project off the ground. GLOBAL WATER INTELLIGENCE, Vol. 15, Issue 2 February 18, 2014 – In a white paper released on 28 January, consulting firm Stratecon estimated that the proposed Cadiz water […]